These are just some of the things we have built and would be glad to build you one too. Let us know. We enjoy building CUSTOM products!
Here is the beast – what started it all. The picture really doesn’t do it justice.
The specifications:
- This smoker is made from 1/4″ thick 24″ pipe as the base and fire box.
- The overall width is 8′ and 7′ to the top of the stacks. Its 24″ deep.
- Estimated weight is approximately 3,000 lbs.
- The smoke box on the left side is 24′ x 24″ by 3/16″. (In my climate I don’t see a need for it to be thicker as this box usually never gets above 300 deg. I have smoked in low temps with no issues.)
- The barrel is 4′ long and 1/4″ thick steel.
- The tuning plates in the middle are 1/4″ thick. (They work great!)
- Have smoked over 400 lbs in it at one time.
There’s a learning curve with any pit. You have to get to know it because they all have different temperaments and will also vary with weather conditions. On a good weather day, I can get the tower and the barrel within 25 degrees of each other. Usually never more then 50-75 degrees apart.

Right side barrel inside tower inside left side back
Coffee Bar

Fire Pit

Canopy for a tractor

Log splitter
After building the “BEAST” I need a spliter to keep up with the wood it uses and my addiction to smoking meats. I Decided to and built this log splitter. Its built to run off the hydraulics from my tractor. I designed it to use a 24″ stroke cylinder. However was given a 18″ cylinder so I made the adapter you see at the top of the cylinder. It works like a charm. It cycles very fast and I have yet to find a log I couldn’t split with it.
If your interested in a custom spliter let us know. We can build you one.
Organizing Case Rack.
This is Rack we built to hold all the cases of bolts and misc parts.

6′ Land Plane
This is pulled behind a tractor for flattening out driveways and pads. The first blade cuts a little off and then the second places it back spreading it out. This is great for gravel driveways. Allows you to fill in the potholes. We can make these in any width. This thing is built like a tank. I tested this unit with my 55 hp tractor and while doing so snagged a stump. It stop me immediately. Stalled the tractor out and about threw me off the tractor. No damage.
Custom Griddle Cover